Your ongoing support for Christ Church allows us to continue our mission of welcome and service. We thank you for your generosity.
It is also easy to submit your offering online. Simply click on the green button below and fill out the form that comes up. Giving online is completely safe and secure. In fact, giving online is even more secure than mailing in a check, since an online gift transfers the funds immediately and automatically.
Our preferred online giving platform is Realm, our membership directory service. Giving online through Realm means that your gift will automatically be associated with your name and pledge status. This has a benefit for our bookkeeping, as it saves us an extra step, and a benefit for you, as you can go to Realm and check your gifts in real-time. Clicking the button below will take you directly to the Realm giving service (in a new tab or window). You can make a secure gift by credit or debit card or bank draft. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Note: by selecting the "Cover fees" option, you will generously include the transaction fee in your payment so the Church won't have to pay it.