How to Reach Us
Office Telephone:
(415) 332-1539
Rector’s Cell Phone
(650) 766-4171
Office Hours
Tuesday – Thursday 9 AM – 1 PM (or by appointment)
Office email address
Rector’s email address
Rev. Chip Barker Larrimore – chip@larrimore.com
Driving Directions
Christ Episcopal Church is located in the hills above downtown Sausalito, two blocks up from Bridgeway Avenue, at the intersection of San Carlos and Santa Rosa Avenues. To reach Christ Church from highway 101, take the Sausalito exit and go toward downtown Sausalito. When you reach the Bridgeway Gas Station on your right, go one block and turn right onto Caledonia St. Then take an immediate left up the hill onto San Carlos Avenue. Christ Church is up against the hill 2 blocks at the corner of San Carlos and Santa Rosa. Parking is available in the church parking lot or along either San Carlos or Santa Rosa Avenues.