Click here for a welcome from Fr. Richard Schaper
Christ Church Sausalito was founded in 1878. We have established our 1878 Legacy Society to recognize members and friends of our parish who have made a planned gift commitment to Christ Church in their will or estate plan. Legacy members are honored with an annual banquet and by having their names engraved on a plaque in the church.
You can become a member of the 1878 Society by informing us that you have included Christ Church in your estate plan. Just download and fill out the Declaration of Intent Form and return it to the church office to clarify your intentions.
The Christ Church of the future will be built upon the legacies we leave today. Bequests are generally used to improve the physical building and/or financial circumstances of a church beyond what annual pledges can do. There are also some opportunities for designating how you would like your gift to support the ministries that matter most to you. Please contact the church if you are interested in making a designated gift for a particular purpose.
You may also wish to consider a planned gift to the Christ Church Legacy Society using your accumulated resources. Planned gifts are either outright gifts (i.e. gifts of appreciated securities, real estate, automobiles) or deferred gifts (i.e. bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts). Please contact the church if you have any questions about your planned gift.
When making planned gifts, you should include Christ Church’s Tax ID Number: 94-1415295.
Planned giving typically involves financial or estate planning, but it is not reserved for the wealthy! Planned giving is for anyone wishing to make wise decisions about their personal resources and provides the opportunity to make a considered choice about their ultimate disposition.
Again, please contact Christ Church with any questions. We welcome your participation in our the 1878 Society.
Click here to view our upcoming Legacy Society events on our calendar!